# Budibase DB

该数据源是 Budibase 的原生数据源。您在此处添加的任何数据都直接存储在您的 Budibase 实例上。

# 创建表


推荐的流程是从侧边栏转到您的 Budibase 数据库实例,然后单击Create Table按钮。一个快捷方式是按下左上角的+按钮并选择 Budibase DB。


创建新的 Budibase DB 表时,您可以选择您想要的内置(自动类型)列。每列都将根据属性自动维护、创建和更新。你可以选择跳过,然后通过“创建列”方法在创建后添加。

名称 描述
Auto ID 自动生成的 ID
Created by 创建行的用户
Created at 创建此行的时间
Updated by 最后更新行的用户
Updated at 最后更新行的时间

# CSV 上传

如果您已经拥有现有数据,则可以在创建表时使用 CSV 文件将其导入。执行此操作时,它将自动识别列并为您创建它们,之后您可以指定每列的数据类型。

在下面的示例中,我导入了一个包含国家列表的 CSV,有 4 列。上传文件后,将显示以下屏幕。

# 选择显示列


仅当您使用CSV文件导入数据时,才能在创建表期间选择列。要在任何其他情况下选择显示列,请通过侧边栏进入表格,将鼠标悬停在要制作显示列的列名上,然后单击铅笔图标编辑该列,您可以选择制作a column 显示列,如下图。

# 添加列

要将新列添加到现有 Budibase DB 表,请导航到要编辑的表,然后单击表顶部的Create Column按钮。这将显示一个对话框,您可以在其中配置要添加的列。

# 数据类型

在 Budibase DB 中有多种数据类型可供选择。

Name Description
Text Storage of (relatively) short text
Long Form Text Allows you to store large amounts of texts, also supports markdown
Options Predefined list of options of which one can be selected
Multi-select Predefined list of options of which multiple can be selected
Number Storage of number
Boolean (True/False) Storage of true/false
Date/time Storage of a date with a time
Attachments Storage of a file. Limited to 20MB per file
Relationships Creates a link between this table and another table
Formula Allows you to set a formulated column, which will be calculated based on what you define. You can use handlebars or JavaScript
JSON Allows you to store JSON within a row, with the option to define a schema
Auto Column Auto columns can be added post-creation of the database by selecting data type.

# 列定义


Property Name Description
Type The type of data you want to store.
Required Enabling this requires this field to be filled for all rows
Use as table display column Enabling this will make the newly created column the display column. This will also automatically make the field required
Primary index Enabling this allows you to search in this field
Secondary index When primary index is in use, you can enable a second index for searching


Property Name Description Data Types
Maximum Length The maximum length that can be stored in this column Text
Enable Rich Text Format Support Enabling this will allow you to store markdown Long Form Text
Options The select-able options available for this column, one per line. Options, Multi-select
Min Value When set, any value entered in the database lower than this number will be rejected Number
Max Value When set, any value entered in the database higher than this number will be rejected Number
Earliest When set, any date before the specified date is rejected for new rows Date/time
Latest When set, any date after the specified date is rejected for new rows Date/time
Table Allow a relationship to the specified table Relationship
Column name in other table The relationship created will also be visible in the related table, this will set the new column name on the related table Relationship
Formula Allows you to set a formulated column, which will be calculated based on what you define. Allows you to define handlebars and JavaScript Formula